For the dogs’ Auntie K’s Christmas/ New Years gift, made a felt zip pouch.
- White wool poly blend felt
- Hot pink faux fur
- Parisian dog print cotton

A while ago (Halloween), created silhouette images of Zo. Wanted to use that shape in a Cricut project.

Wanted to use this to make a furry zip bag.

One of the most difficult parts was trying to figure out a material that can handle lots of little cuts with no fraying. So went with felt. Would love to try faux leather at some point to see how that works but need a deep cutting blade. With felt, was able to use the rotary blade.

The nose looks more like an ear?

Zo was not too sure of the likeness.

Top stitched the felt to the fur.

Added tabs to the ends of the zip. Next time will not bother folding the tabs in at the edges (4 layers of fabric) – will leavethe edges raw (2 layers of fabric). When sewing the outer pieces together, broke 2 titanium needles because there were too many layers (8) near the zip.
Made this like a regular / simple zip pouch. Between the fur and the felt, did not need interfacing.

Added an ice cream cone charm.

Filled it with face masks and a unicorn headband.

Zo wasn’t really sure what to think. Perhaps she deserves royalties for her image?